Herbaceous Babe is going to be a little less regular in the days to come as the author gets launched in her professional career. Keep checking back, because there's no telling when a new post will appear!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Courgette Fettuccine with Tarragon Cream Sauce

For those of you who are not subscribed to Russell James, The Raw Chef - Get it! This man knows what people like us are looking for. He's constantly making deals and sending free recipes. He even has a section on his site called Weekday Raw (for those of us who can't make meal-planning our full-time job) and a tab in the recipe box for dehydrator-free meals.

Now this recipe is probably the best vegan alfredo you will ever eat. Plus, because it's raw, you'll be satisfied both with your meal and with life in general. True story.

The sauce is pretty standard (cashews, water, oil, lemon juice, and salt), but the tarragon really gives it the Wow factor. Now, Russell used a couple ingredients than I didn't (that's what I get for not planning ahead), such as red bell peppers and green onions, but as always, I managed to find something comparable. To substitute, I threw in a bit of chili powder and onion powder.

Easy; delicious; healthy. In no particular order. Get it!

P.S. I almost forgot: pretty sure the link to the recipe requires login/membership. If you aren't signed up and don't want to be, but still want to make this dish, follow any basic cashew cream recipe and add tarragon.

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