Herbaceous Babe is going to be a little less regular in the days to come as the author gets launched in her professional career. Keep checking back, because there's no telling when a new post will appear!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Raw Sprouted Lentil Bowl

Tardy again - tsk, tsk. Whatever will you do with me?

Sorry about that. Things have been picking up in the professional realm, leaving me less time to cook let alone write. But I still manage to whip up some simple and nutrient-dense meals during the week - like this sprouted lentil bowl:

Sprouting lentils is the exact same process as alfalfa (soak overnight, rinse twice daily after that). Throw in some kale, carrots, and cucumbers, then toss in italian dressing.

Admittedly, I'm entering into another season of 'I don't care enough to think right now; I just want to eat,' which is probably the reason I had this particular dish three days in a row... But I know you've been there too (and if you haven't, don't be surprised when it comes), and I just want to tell you that's okay - just have a grab-bag of simple go-to meals so you don't end up bingeing on candy and chips.

Can't decide? Fill a jar with popsicle sticks labeled with some of your favourite meals (kinda like those date-night idea jars on Pinterest), then let Fate decide for you.

Image from "I Love This and That" by Denise Derbyshire

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