Herbaceous Babe is going to be a little less regular in the days to come as the author gets launched in her professional career. Keep checking back, because there's no telling when a new post will appear!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Ravioli et al

My mom has The Best Ever Vegetarian Cookbook by Linda Fraser. Unfortunately it is of little use to a gluten-free vegan. Still, we were determined to try the Pumpkin-Stuffed Cilantro Ravioli.

The filling is just pumpkin, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and ricotta cheese. We made cashew cream to replace the ricotta then set to work peeling the pumpkin... The instructions were not clear about whether the pumpkin was cooked or raw. (Note to self: cook pumpkin before peeling next time.)

Also tastes great on crackers!

We used chickpea flour and substituted flax for the egg in our pasta - and ended up with a dough so soft and gooey it was nearly impossible to shape the ravioli. But we prevailed!

Admittedly, not my most glamorous photo. In fact, I almost forgot to take a picture. The tomato sauce lent a bit of moisture to the still-too-thick pasta but stole much-deserved attention from the pumkin.

Day two found the remaining dough even more unmanageable and, it being a particularly eventful week, I didn't feel like messing around. A fully-sliced baby eggplant and a dollop of inspiration later, I had a picture perfect meal for one.

A few short years ago, you could not have paid me to eat an eggplant. Perhaps the subtle, titillating bitterness is an acquired taste, but I prefer to think of it as "sophisticated." Either way, I thought a squirt of lime would finish off the dish perfectly.

Stuffing persists, and my creativity is spurred onward. Behold: the mushroom cap.

THEN one lazy Sunday, I was cruising the web for inspiration, and Eureka! I found it: Rosemary Pumpkin Paradox. Who ever heard of a cheese-less quesadilla? It's silly. It's preposterous. It's amazing! Serve with marinara, or for a spicier, more authentic flavour, try marjoram and serve with salsa.

There seems to be no end to the possibilities. It also tastes good as a cracker spread.

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